Thursday, February 26, 2009

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!

Can you really believe that some policeman actually gave a guy a ticket for jaywalking after he saved a couple of lives? The good samaritan was seriously injured but the women he was helping escaped without injury. First of all, do any of you actually know anyone that has ever received a ticket for jaywalking? I don't. And if the women crossed WITH the well meaning criminal shouldn't they get tickets too? Officer, aren't there some old ladies out there driving Buick's the size of aircraft carriers that maybe park a few inches too far away from the curb that you could focus your considerable yet misdirected energies on? You must be new.

1 comment:

Jon Britton said...

Yeah, this story cracked me up when I heard it today. I picture this prim officer walking up, shaking his head and "tsking" as he writes the ticket, then casually tossing it down on the mangled form of the old bus driver. Horrified bystanders gawk, but they're not entirely sure which horror they should be gawking at.